I have got lot of queries regarding to generate an excel sheet and download that on the system using PHP. So I thought to share the proper solution with an article.
You can download an excel by using two process. either you can use function to download excel sheet or you can use PHP code on the same page to download a dynamic excel sheet.
So here I am going to describe both the process. you can use according to your ease.
#Step 2 : Now create a class file with the name functions.php as below.
You can download an excel by using two process. either you can use function to download excel sheet or you can use PHP code on the same page to download a dynamic excel sheet.
So here I am going to describe both the process. you can use according to your ease.
#Process 1: Download an excel using PHP script on same page.
you can download an excel using the script on same page as below code.
$report = array(array('id'=>1,'name'=>'raj'),array('id'=>2,'name'=>'monica'),array('id'=>3,'name'=>'sonia'));
$t = time();
$filename = 'excel_report-'.$t.'.xls';
echo '<table class="table table-responsive table-hover " border="1" ><tbody>';
// Display results.
foreach($report as $row) {
echo '<tr>';
foreach($row as $column) {
// printf('%25s', $column);?>
<td><?php echo $column; ?></td>
print "</tr>";
print "</tbody></table>";
@header("Content-type: application/vnd-ms-excel");
// Defines the name of the export file "filename.xls"
@header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$filename);
#Process 1: Download an excel using function.
you can download an excel using the PHP function as below steps.
#Step 1: Create a index.php as below
#Step 1: Create a index.php as below
include 'functions.php';
$function = new functions();
$report = array(array('id'=>1,'name'=>'raj'),array('id'=>2,'name'=>'monica'),array('id'=>3,'name'=>'sonia'));
#Step 2 : Now create a class file with the name functions.php as below.
Class functions{
public function downloadExcel($report){
$t = time();
$filename = 'excel_report-'.$t.'.xls';
echo '<table class="table table-responsive table-hover " border="1" ><tbody>';
// Display results.
foreach($report as $row) {
echo '<tr>';
foreach($row as $column) {
// printf('%25s', $column);?>
<td><?php echo $column; ?></td>
print "</tr>";
print "</tbody></table>";
@header("Content-type: application/vnd-ms-excel");
// Defines the name of the export file "filename.xls"
@header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$filename);
if you run the index.php file on browser, you will see the downloaded excel sheet.
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